Smarter processes
Climate controller testing.
We temperature test to assess your products under extreme temperature and environmental conditions.
Our in-house, temperature-controlled chill chain is used for keeping and distributing of frozen or fresh foods, vaccines, and other biologicals in perfect condition.
The cold chain process follows from the product being taken from its natural or manufactured environment to its end destination. An unbroken chain is an uninterrupted series of refrigerated production, storage, and distribution activities, along with associated equipment and logistics which its main quality is found via a desired low temperature range.
To preserve, extend, and ensure shelf life of products cold chain goods are perishable and are always on route towards end use or destination.
Contact us today to find out how chill chain can benefit your chilled products when in transit.
Temperature controlled.
Whether you’re distributing food items or pharmaceuticals, we can support you in discovering the most effective chill chain solution for both your business and your packaging needs.
Refrigeration needs to be applied through the entire cold chain, and a HACCP strategy needs to be broadly implemented within the food industry to manage the cold chain and ensure food safety. The cold chamber can be set to temperatures of -40c and +100c to test a wide range of environments.
However, most testing will typically not exceed -10c or +40c as these temperatures are not seen within the majority of our customer bases. We have two main testing profiles, one for summer and one for winter. These profiles expose the sample to temperatures that are seen in an uncontrolled environment through transit.